Step back in time to the the 19th Century, where New York City was known as America's largest city

Gertrude H. Ford arrived in NYC at the turn of the century, a stylish, enterprising young woman well ahead of her time.
Gertrude H. Ford arrived in New York City at the turn of the century, a stylish, enterprising young woman well ahead of her time. Determined to enter the world of business on her own merits, she sent her family-ordered chaperone packing, marched into the manager’s office at the Fifth Avenue Hotel and made her first sale. The G.H. FORD TEA COMPANY was born.
Importing, selecting and blending fine teas to her own discriminating taste, the results of her efforts gained prominence at the best hotels and restaurants in the world, as well as at the tables of connoisseurs in the continent…a standing that endures and continues to grow today.
Credited with the invention of the tea ball which permits the use of high-quality leaf generally only available in loose tea, Gertrude Ford installed a “…modern marvel of mechanics,” the famous tea balling machine that still packages her distinctive blends more than 100 years later.